Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance Read online

  Not Looking for Love

  (A Cowboy Romance)

  Mae Martini

  Not Looking for Love

  Copyright © 2016 by Mae Martini

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names and events are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. 20160628

  Warning: 18 and over, please. Due to the nature of Simone’s profession, this book is over the top with sex scenes and explicit language.


  Not Looking for Love

  Before The Mobster and the Cowboy

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  During the Mobster and the Cowboy

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  After The Mobster and the Cowboy

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49


  A note from the author

  Other books by Mae Martini

  Before The Mobster and the Cowboy

  Chapter 1

  “Mmm-mm-mm.” Richie Warren slid his Aviators down his nose as he sucked in a breath. This woman was absolutely breathtaking. Her long lean legs went on forever, her wet, sun-kissed body glistened with the green Caribbean water as she walked out of the ocean. He watched her walk to one of the palapas nearest the shore and pick up a blue and white striped towel, the signature towel of the Warren Hotel, Aruba, and dry herself off. His eyes were glued to her rack as she bent over to dry her legs. Her tanned globes a perfect contrast on impressive display in her white bikini.

  He slid his glasses back up and grabbed another Corona from the bucket of ice by his lounge and turned to his cousin, Will.

  “Mmmmm, Dushi ‘om,” Will said in the Papiamento language of the island, recognized by the Dutch government.

  “Delicious, indeed.” Richie took a sip of beer and watched as the woman, her ass to him now, straightened out the towels on her lounge that were disheveled due to the steady trade winds that Aruba was known for.

  “Yeah, baby. Just like that, bend over. I’d fuck your sweet ass,” Will said.

  Richie mentally shook his head. His cousin, his very married cousin, with twin girls was one of the most perverted guys he’d ever known. Will was almost five years older than him and when Richie turned sixteen the two of them would traverse the globe, meeting chicks, partying all the time. Once, when Richie was fourteen and their families were in Paris, he and Will hopped on a train to De Wallen – the Red Light District in Amsterdam where they smoked pot and took in live porn shows. Will wanted to pay for a couple of hookers to pop Richie’s cherry, but Richie had already lost his virginity two nights before when he met a girl in Paris and she took him home to her apartment and they did the deed, and when her roommate came home she joined in. Richie always looked older for his age and when the girls found out he was only fourteen, they threw him out. He should have been angry but he was just excited to have had sex… a menage a trois, no less.

  Richie refused the hookers. He felt uncomfortable with all the drunk, rowdy men and sleazy perverts that walked the alleys ogling the women and going in and out of the glass doors.

  A lot of the women in the windows with a red light looked middle-aged and did nothing for Richie. There was one pretty young woman in a revealing bikini wiggling her ass at passersby that for a moment he thought about paying for her, but when he saw her open her door for an old drunk guy with a sore on his mouth, he quickly changed his mind, afraid he’d get an STD. That didn’t stop Will though, he hooked up with one of the older women and Richie wound up waiting for him by meandering the alleys and taking in the sights and horrible stench of vomit and urine emanating from there as he thought about how he was good with not needing to go there ever again.

  Richie learned a lot about his cousin through the years of carousing with him and the dirty things he would do to and with women as if they were nothing more than playthings. Richie’s take on women was much different than his cousin’s. Yeah, he liked to get down and dirty with them, but they always made the first move, and afterward, he’d take care of them, treat them well, revere them even, unlike his cousin who used, abused, and turned them out. This was why he distanced himself from Will a little more than five years prior. Now, at twenty-six, Richie had no regrets. His cousin never changed. The only reason they were together in Aruba was due to tradition. Every year for Christmas his family and his father’s brother’s family celebrated at their hotel there. It was started by Richie’s grandfather, Richard Warren I, twenty-five years ago when the hotel first opened.

  “Remember when we used to bet on who can bang the girl first?” Will asked.

  Richie took a sip of his beer while keeping his eyes on the woman. She now sat and was combing her long blonde hair. She paused to sign for the cocktail a server brought over. He thought about the money they threw around. The bets started out at fifty dollars. By the time Richie started pulling away they were up to five thousand dollars. Such a waste.

  Richie didn’t even bother to answer him, feeling quite ashamed for acting like an asshole back then. Instead he said, “Hey, so what’s with Beverly?”

  “Who, the chick at the front desk?”


  “Why? You wanna do her?”

  Richie clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue. “No. Yesterday I caught her coming out of one of the meeting rooms on the second floor. There was no function going on. She seemed shocked to see me there and quickly took the stairs down. I hung around to see if anyone else would come out and sure enough just when I walked over to the elevator a bald-headed guy who appeared to be in his mid to late thirties came out and got on the same elevator as me.”

  “Hah! Jose always told me she fucks anything on two legs. I never believed it, but it must be true.”


  After hanging by the beach all day and grabbing dinner at the steakhouse in the hotel, Richie strode over to the lobby bar which was situated between the north and the south tower guest rooms. Passing the front desk he spotted the bald-headed guy leaning over the counter, and he and Beverly were laughing with the bald guy slowing grazing her arm
with his fingers, and it appeared to Richie they were flirting. She was throwing her long curly brown hair around and giggling.

  He looked around and saw the other lady at the front desk checking in a couple, and a family waiting on line to be checked in. He waited until Beverly spotted him. Her face dropped. She quickly shooed baldy away and called over the family that was waiting. Shaking his head, Richie walked on toward the bar.

  No surprise his cousin was already there.

  “Don’t you ever spend time with your wife and kids?” he asked him.

  “Bridgette is PMSing. No one is safe. I had to get out of there. I kinda feel sorry for the girls, but then I think about when all of them will get it at the same time… I’m fucked, huh?”

  Richie gave him a little smirk as he took a seat next to him at the glossy white oval shaped bar. Big screen TVs on the walls had different football games on. He asked Raymond, the bartender, to put the Dallas game on the biggest screen on the wall.

  As Raymond placed down a glass of scotch Richie had ordered, the two of them spoke about the last play the Cowboys had made. Raymond began backing away when he spotted someone taking a seat two chairs down from Richie. Richie glanced in the direction he was heading, pleasantly surprised to see the blonde, from the beach earlier, wearing sunglasses. Her hair was long and silky looking with streaks of even blonder hair running through it. A white sweater draped her shoulders. Her fleshy mounds were mouthwatering as they spilled a little bit above her black blouse, and he found himself licking his lips. He scanned down noticing her black skirt ended high on her thighs and his eyes continued their descent down her tanned, sexy legs. Spiked strappy sandals encased her slender feet with high arches showing off her bright red nail polish. When he lifted his head to her face he realized she was looking his way still wearing her sunglasses. He thought he saw a ghost of a smile before she turned to the bartender.

  Richie was getting antsy. He kept looking from the football game to her, not even caring what was happening on the TV. He didn’t even hear anything his cousin was saying, although, Will had since started talking with a couple of girls sitting on the other side of him.

  He watched as the woman lifted up her glasses and rested them atop her head, pulling back her hair from her face. Richie’s heart stopped a beat. She had a beautiful face to go with that knockout body. Oval shaped with a straight nose on a clear complexion with full lips he wanted to lick, though his dick had another idea, arched brows above smoky brown…wet eyes.

  She brought a hand up to wipe the tears then cupped her hand by her ear, swooping back a loose strand of hair behind it as she looked down.

  Richie got the bartender’s attention and had him send over another of whatever she was drinking. He rose up just as Raymond set the glass down in front of her.

  She tilted her head at the bartender as he set down a fresh Paloma. Raymond shifted his head in Richie’s direction and said a few words. She threw Richie a look, the shape of an O on her mouth.

  Richie smiled and pushed his chair out, getting ready to walk over to her then paused when he saw the bald guy that was with Beverly earlier go up to her and put his arm around her and kiss her on the lips. He sat back down again just as he caught her pulling back from him. He tried to concentrate on the game on the screen, but her boyfriend or whatever the hell he was to her was being very animated. His hands gesturing wildly as he raised his voice a few times. Richie didn’t know what he was saying, but clearly there was a fight going on. He wanted to go over there and interject when he saw the guy pulling her, but she got up as she glanced his way. He got the feeling she didn’t want to cause a scene. Baldy draped his arm around her shoulders and they walked away, toward the south tower rooms.

  He never did see her again during his stay that year.

  Chapter 2

  Eleven months later…

  “I had one rule, Logan. One rule. Okay two… three. I had three rules. I didn’t care if she was fucking another guy. I was doing my own thing too. It was agreed,” Richie said before downing one of the two shots of whiskey that were sitting on top of the bar in front of him. He picked up his beer chaser and took a sip before continuing the story. He was in the middle of telling his long-time friend about the split with this chick from New York City he was seeing.

  Logan listened intently, nodding his head when appropriate as his friend recapitulated the story, while scanning the bar for any filly who sparked his interest.

  “One; make sure the other guy always wears a condom. Two; get frequent checkups, and three; if either one of us gets serious with someone else, tell the other. No stringing along. I thought that was fair. I mean, I’m paying for her apartment, and it ain’t cheap,” Richie continued. He looked around the bar for the same reason Logan did. Then he took another swig of his beer and looked back to Logan. “She freaked out when I, using my own key, let myself in the apartment… I knew something was up. I gotta find out she has this guy living there with her. His clothes were all over the place, the bathroom was full of mens’ products. Uh-uh. Not gonna fly with me.” He downed the other shot.

  “What’d you do?”

  “First I asked her why she didn’t tell me. She only said that I was never around and she got lonely. Then I told her she had a month to find another place to live.” He tapped the foot rail of the barstool in time to a Rascal Flatts song blaring from the juke.

  They both just watched as a pretty blonde took up residence on the barstool on the other side of Logan. Logan turned to Richie and wiggled his eyes before striking up a conversation with her. Richie just smiled at his friend as he shook his head before turning to Fran, the bartender. He had hooked up with her a few times in the past and now that she was married they still remained friendly.

  While laughing at something she said he turned his head to the jukebox, checking out who might have put on ‘As Good As I Once Was’ by Toby Keith.

  With his eyes, and an elbow to the rib, Richie got Logan’s attention away from the pretty blonde. No more blondes for him for a while. He was just coming off of a long relationship with one, a relationship that produced a kid. The little buckaroo was cute, though.

  Logan followed Richie’s line of sight and caught the little brunette, with a diamond stud in her nose, over by the jukebox, staring at them. When she got their attention, she stuck out her tongue, showing them her barbell tongue ring. If that didn’t make their cocks twitch.

  They looked to each other and slowly nodded. Logan ordered two fresh beers and excused himself from the bar. He walked over to the little brunette and handed her one of the bottles. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “Carmen,” she said as she clinked bottles with his, then took a big gulp. “What’s yours?”


  “Well, Logan, looking for a good time tonight?”

  Now, he tipped his worn black Resitol hat back. “What do you got in mind?” He took a sip of beer as he studied the fringes surrounding her dark brown eyes.

  She was slow to answer, purposely drawing it out. “I’ve got a new tongue ring and I want to…test it out.” Again, she stuck her tongue out for him to see and watched as he licked his lips.

  Logan’s heart sped up. It had been a while since he picked up a chick at a bar. That’s why he was here. His buddy, Richie, dragged him to the Salty Dog, cause if you wanted to hook up that was the place to find a willing partner.

  “Talk to me, darlin’.”

  She moved in close and brought her lips to his ear. “You, me…” she paused.

  Spit it out, woman, Logan said to himself, waiting for her to say the word.

  “…and your friend get it on. See what this baby can do.” She stuck her tongue out and licked the scapha of his ear, sending a shudder through him. “I’m hungry for a sandwich tonight.” She rubbed her crotch against the side of his thigh.

  Whoa! That wasn’t the word, but hell, he was so in. He and Richie talked about devil’s threesomes all the time. They just never fou
nd anyone willing. “Finish your drink,” he said, hoping he sounded cool, rather than eager, and then guzzled his beer. He tuned to Richie and with his index finger, moved it back and forth between the both of them, then he tipped his head toward the door.

  Richie watched, a slow smile creeping up on his lips as he nodded once.

  Logan turned back to the chick and watched as she knocked back the beer and put the empty bottle on top of the juke. He extended his elbow and she grabbed on. The two of them walked to the door and waited for Richie to catch up.


  “Oh, yeah, Ah… yeah.” Richie grunted and thrust up one more time before he shot into the condom while inside Carmen.

  Spent, there was not much he could do but wait it out, seeing how he was stuck on the bottom. Carmen was on top of him, facing him and he watched as her eyes kept rolling back as Logan, from behind her, kept pounding her ass.

  Richie chuckled to himself at how they positioned themselves. While Carmen was in the bathroom, after being on her knees taking the both of them deep with each making themselves scarce while she gave her tongue stud a workout on the other, they discussed the next phase. Being twenty-six, who needed time to recover? ‘I want her ass, I want to be on top, and I don’t want to see her face, I just wanna do’. Logan had said.

  I just wanna do? Richie mentally laughed and shook his head. His buddy was in need of a good time alright. And judging by his grunts and speed he found it.

  At one point Logan opened his eyes and watched his cock moving in and out of this chick’s ass, her tight ring gripping him. Just before closing his eyes again, he glanced at Richie who watched him, and the two of them shared a grin. Then Logan closed his eyes. “Ah, yeah, baby…” He thrust a couple of more times, then stilled as he came inside her and then took a moment to collect himself.

  Richie had been rubbing Carmen’s clit with the pad of his thumb. “That feels good, baby girl, doesn’t it?” he said as he watched her face and heard her soft mews when Logan slowly began pulling out of her.