Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance Page 2
“Yesssss,” she said on a long high pitched moan.
He gently caressed her face with his other hand as he felt her shudder.
Logan went to the bathroom as he rolled off the full condom. When he came out the chick was almost dressed and Richie was nowhere around.
“Time to go. You need a ride home, or something?” Logan asked Carmen.
“Appreciate if you can drop me off at the Salty Dog,” she said.
“Sure.” He picked up his keys. “Call you later, Rich.” He walked toward the door as Richie came back into the living room.
“Later.” Then he gave Carmen a long kiss on her lips, said thank you, and watched as they walked out the door.
“Oh, man, that was incredible, Rich. She was something else. I think I’m in love,” Logan said when he called him when he got home.
“Let’s not start that again, man. Remember how the last time you declared you were in love went?” Richie chuckled.
“Ha! I’m not making that mistake again, I’ll tell you.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see.”
There was a pause as Logan heard a beep and Richie’s sound went out a moment.
“Gotta go, that’s Linda. Probably gonna ask me for more money,” Logan said. He didn’t know whether to sigh or laugh. He’d already bought her a house so their son, Heath, had a nice place to grow up in.
Richie chuckled.
“We still on for the Dallas game Thursday?” Logan asked.
“Yeah. I can’t wait. Romo versus Favre. It’s gonna be good.”
“Yeah—” Another beep. Logan sighed. “Okay, talk to you later.”
“Later.” Richie felt bad for Logan, though Logan wouldn’t want him to. He made his bed and he would lie in it. But Richie was wealthy, he offered to help him out. Logan was adamant. He’d survive. His parents died in an automobile accident when he was young. His grandfather raised him and his brother and sister. They owned a large productive cattle ranch and riding stables. His sister didn’t get involved with the day to day operations, but she benefited from them. She was graduating from Stephen F. Austin State University with a degree in fashion merchandising and looking forward to opening up her own retail store. Yeah, he was a survivor and he and his siblings credited their grandfather for not coddling them.
Richie envied them. Oh, he had it good, and he shouldn’t complain. He was a trust fund baby. His family owned the luxury Warren Hotel chain as well as their less expensive hotels, the W. Comforts. His fourth generation great-grandfather, Theodore C. Warren had a vision when he traveled to Texas from Boston back in eighteen fifty-eight, which was to open a hotel in Dallas. With his impeccable taste and Abby, his wife by his side, they went on to expand. First to Oklahoma, then to San Francisco, and they even established one back in Boston. By that time, they had closed the Oklahoma hotel due to poor receipts. In the nineteen thirties, with Theodore and Abby long gone, his kids and grandkids kept his dream alive and opened hotels in Chicago and New York. And each one became more and more opulent. Today, not only is the Warren synonymous with the word luxurious, they also have hotels all around the world. Greece, Italy, Dubai, and France to name a few places.
Richie, an only child, lived well. His father, also named Richie, aka Richard Warren II, married a sweet wholesome southern girl who had worked in the original hotel in Dallas. She wasn’t loaded. Money didn’t marry into money in this instance. She kept him and her son grounded, save for a few of Richie’s teen years when he was hanging out with his cousin.
When her husband wanted to send Richie to a prestigious boarding school in the northeast, she put her foot down and told him he will go to school in their own neighborhood with the other kids. By this time, they were living just outside of Wimberley where she had grown up. Richie and Logan met in kindergarten and quickly became friends. They had been friends for nearly twenty years, separating only when Richie went to college in the east.
Much to his father’s dismay but mother’s approval, Richie was a cowboy. There were no other words to describe him, except for maybe a ‘motorcycle riding cowboy’. He loved everything about ranching, and Logan and Logan’s brother and grandfather gave him the opportunity to live out his dream, learning and working alongside them over the years.
When Richie turned twenty-five he bought his first home, a large colonial with floor to ceiling windows throughout, on the Blanco River and was looking to acquire land to run his own cattle. Problem was the ranchers in that area were already established and not looking to sell. He had waited it out and now he was in a position to save a local ranch that had fallen on hard times since the patriarch, Levi Rollins, passed away, and none of his daughters, or their husbands knew how to run it. They fired Chuck Henley, the foreman who ran it for more than ten years, and as a result the hands under him quit. Richie loaned them money to get it up and running again, and the family hired local cowhands to run it. He tried coaxing Chuck back, but Chuck wouldn’t step foot on that property until the Rollins girls and their husbands were gone. Nor was he able to find a competent foreman who wanted to work there.
Richie wound up throwing himself in the middle of it and organized and led cattle to market, knowing so much about it as he learned from the best in that area, the Leitners.
When good, healthy cattle were fetching the ranch top dollar, the owners began paying him back.
As for his trust fund, he didn’t have to do much more than sit back and collect money each month, but he didn’t, he had inherited his mother’s work ethics, rather she instilled them in him, and his father’s head for business. He made sure he attended all the board meetings and whenever he was called upon to travel on behalf of the hotel, he didn’t hesitate. He was a workaholic.
Chapter 3
“…I’d take a knee too. Romo sealed a playoff spot already,” Richie said as he opened the door to Lola’s Den, the strip joint he frequented when in the Arlington area. He immediately shook the bouncer’s outstretched hand.
“How you doing, Mr. Warren?” the bouncer said.
As Richie nodded, the bouncer told them to go right in. No ID check, not metal detector wand, and no cover charge.
“Yeah, he was on fire tonight. Four touchdown throws. Green Bay’s defense was hurting without Woodson,” Logan said as he followed Richie over to an empty table in front of one of the stages where a tall, thin brunette was gyrating on a pole in nothing but a red thong and big chunky shoes. She held the attention of a couple of older men, grinning and leering, sitting at a table just to the side of the stage.
They had just come from the Cowboys – Packers game with the Cowboys winning thirty-seven to twenty-four.
The tall, thin brunette swooped down and slithered to Richie and Logan. They watched her as they pulled money out of their wallets before they sat. A waitress dressed in a skimpy bikini top and a thong came up to them to take their order.
After ordering a couple of shots and beers, the boys turned their attention to the stripper, who at this point was wiggling her ass in front of them as she started lowering her thong.
Neither of them spoke, they just watched the chick do her thing as she thrust and shook her ass. She turned around and quickly dropped to the floor in a split giving the guys a full view of her hairless pussy.
“Yeah, baby!” Richie said as he threw a twenty on the stage in front of her.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled, then she threw him a kiss and swooped it up. Then she looked to Logan. Feeling a bit pressured, he threw her a ten. Damn Richie. He was so rich, he always over-tipped the girls. He used to tip with fifties, but Logan threatened he wouldn’t go to strip joints with him anymore if he continued to do that. He needed to watch his money with running his own home and the one he bought for his ex-girlfriend and their son.
The stripper scooped up his ten then slithered away to the table on the side of the stage where the two guys sat. Both Richie and Logan watched as the men just kept on smiling and after a while, the stripper grew frustrated
and made a face as she picked herself up off the floor while she looked around and nodded to someone. It took less than a moment for a big surly guy to come over to the guys and say something to them. Another moment later, the two older men threw a dollar each up to the stage. The big guy shook his head as he walked away.
As the music changed, an inaudible announcement was made and a redhead walked out on stage with her hair in a ponytail, a plain white button down shirt with the top two buttons undone and tied just below her breasts exposing her midriff and her impressive cleavage, and a blue and green short, pleated, plaid skirt. She wore long green socks and a black pair of six inch Mary Jane stilettos. Richie chuckled at the catholic school girl look as she tossed the dark rimmed glasses she wore and removed the ribbon holding her ponytail. She wildly shook out her hair as she danced around the pole.
The waitress came back with their drinks and right behind her was a middle aged, well-dressed man.
“Richie, how’s it going?” He extended his hand.
“Hey, Craig.” Richie shook the manager’s hand.
“At the game today, boys?” Craig asked as he shook Logan’s hand.
Richie and Logan nodded and the three of them spoke about the game as a hostess walked a group of people over to the table near them.
Craig kept looking from the boys to the group. “That’s a party of porn stars, here to celebrate the wrap of, uh… Baby Spreads for All.” He chuckled. “Or something like that.”
The guys laughed.
“The producer—” Craig said, inconspicuously pointing to a white haired man with rimless glasses. “— flew them in from L.A.. Gotta go say hi. Later, boys.” Then he walked away to welcome the group.
Richie watched the group which consisted of three very sexy looking women and four men as Logan turned his attention back to the chick on stage who by now was down to tasseled pasties and a black thong, swinging on the pole, upside down.
“Talented,” Logan said as he looked to Richie.
“Huh?” Richie turned from watching the group.
“Swinging on a stripper pole, upside down takes talent.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Richie said as he kept switching his gaze from the stage to the adult entertainers, one in particular. “Ever dream of fucking a porn star?”
“Hah! You’re kidding, right? Not since I was a teenager…” He paused to think about it. “Well, okay, yeah, I might have a time or two recently.” Logan chuckled.
“I’m digging the pretty young blonde, and I think I know her.”
There was also an older woman with blonde hair who tried too hard to look young, her makeup was caking, and there was a pretty, young, raven-haired woman, but the young blonde… he was sure it was her.
Logan turned to see the blonde look Richie’s way and smile just before a cute busty bleached blonde blocked his view.
“You look like you could use a lap dance, baby,” she said to Logan.
“Uh, not right now, sweetheart. Maybe later,” he said to her boobs, with a smile.
Because he was staring at her breasts he didn’t see her roll her eyes as she walked away.
“Seriously, bro, you couldn’t look up to her face? She was pretty,” Richie said just before calling the waitress over.
“I tried. It was like my eyes were glued to them or something.” Logan snickered as Richie chuckled and shook his head.
“I’m gonna hook up with that chick tonight,” Richie said to Logan, discreetly pointing to the young blonde porn star just as the waitress came up to him. “Buy a round of whatever they’re drinking and put it on my tab, darlin’,” he said, nodding toward the group. “And hit us with another.” He palmed her a bill.
“Thank you,” the waitress said as she glanced at the twenty in her hand. She nodded and walked away, toward the bar.
Richie glanced at the blonde then turned his attention to Logan. “With a little luck, I’ll get you the dark-haired beauty to keep you company tonight.” He grinned.
“I can pick up my own chicks.”
“Alright.” Richie shrugged.
“But, if it goes down, fuck it, it goes down.”
The both of them laughed, then Logan turned his attention to the redheaded stripper who was sitting down on the stage, in front of them, spread eagle.
“Oh, nice,” Logan said as he threw her a five. And just because, he picked up one of Richie’s twenties and threw it to her when Richie looked to the blonde. He was too occupied to have noticed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Richie watched as the waitress, with a tray of shot glasses filled with clear liquid, walked up to the group. He saw her nod in his direction as she set them down, and watched as the young blonde looked at him. She picked up her glass and gave him a nod. He nodded and smiled. He also noticed the rest of the group picked up their glasses and downed the shot, then the older blonde, with her finger, beckoned him over.
Richie turned to Logan. “Watch and learn, my man.” Then he rose up and strode over to the table as he made eye contact with Craig.
Logan chuckled then turned his attention back to the stage where now there was a blonde cowgirl stripping down as she danced around. She flung her hat and it landed at the edge of the stage by him.
Craig walked up to the table the same time Richie did and he made the intros, telling the group that Richie’s family owned the luxury Warren hotels, and before he left, Richie told him to send over a couple of bottles of Tequila.
Richie didn’t hear anyone’s name except for the blonde’s he was interested in but heard the man with the rimless glasses say pull up a chair. He walked around the table, pulling an empty chair from an un-occupied table nearby and squeezed in next to the one named Simone, the blonde he was very interested in, the blonde who wore a skin tight tube dress that just barely covered her ass and showcased her very sexy cleavage.
“Do I know you?” he asked her.
She studied him. With a hint of a smile she said, “Aruba?”
The light went on in Richie’s head. “Aruba.” He nodded and smiled. He often thought about the mysterious blonde from Aruba, he also remembered her boyfriend. At the time he was fucking the receptionist. Richie had her fired, not because of the blonde but for the fact that she was always fucking the guests. He often thought his cousin even had her. Will seemed a bit upset when he found out the manager fired her.
To be polite, Richie conversed with the group, but what he really wanted to do was concentrate on Simone. Every single one at the table except for Simone were flinging around sexual jokes and the laughter grew loud.
Every now and then, he’d have a moment to talk with her before someone interrupted, and he enjoyed her smooth feminine voice and sexy laugh. He found out she was pretty new to the game. This was only her second film in the industry. He also found out by listening to the producer, Poppy Tate, that he was trying to convince her to do a double penetration scene or at least an anal scene.
“There’s more money in it for her,” Tate had said.
Richie saw the blush creep up on her face when he turned to her.
At that point, Simone excused herself to go to the bathroom and Richie slid his chair back and made room for her to get up. He followed her with his eyes and when she turned a corner and he lost sight of her, he rose up and excused himself.
The bathrooms were down a long hallway and Simone came out of the ladies room to see Richie leaning up against the wall opposite the door, feet crossed at the ankle, and she tilted her head and smiled.
“I want to get to know you.” He couldn’t stop staring at her. He scanned down to her short muted purple colored dress that hugged her body like a second skin, to her pink stilettos, then back up to her face.
“Are you familiar with my work?”
“Then I suggest you—”
“No. I want to get to know who you are, not some actress in a porn movie,” he said cutting her off.
Her smile faded. “If you don’t like my li
ne of work, why would you want to get to know me?”
“Oh, honey, I like your line of work, all right. I’m a fan of it, but I don’t want to just watch.” He took a step toward her and grabbed her arms and with a smile, he spun them around and pushed her against the wall. Dropping his hands, he threaded them with hers and picked their arms up over her head, leaning them against the wall, and their bodies came together as he stared into her eyes.
She inhaled through her nose. “What is that?” she asked breathlessly.
“Acqua Di Gio.” It was all he wore, having chosen it for its light crisp scent. It became his signature scent a couple of years back.
“You smell incredible. Seductively masculine.”
He gave a little chuckle. “Thank you.” Then he brought his lips to her full luscious lips and softly licked them and moaned before he pried them open and kissed her.
The both of them were gasping when the kiss broke and his erection was evident against her body. With a smile and studying her eyes, Richie grabbed both her hands in one of his and dropped his other hand and stuck it up her dress, and copped a feel of her ass, not at all surprised she was wearing a thong. She didn’t stop him so he was encouraged to go on. His hand worked its way around her hip to the little piece of material in front, and he slipped his fingers inside and began feeling and massaging her sex, pushing through to her clit. He felt her buckle as she closed her eyes and moaned, and he dropped his other hand and brought it around her waist. “I got ya,” he said by her mouth before kissing her as his fingers grew wet.
Her hands, like rubber now, fell to his biceps and barely noted the hard muscles as she held on.
“Simone? You all right?”
Richie picked his head up and he and Simone turned to see one of the men who was in her party at the end of the hall. Richie shifted in front of her.
“Boyfriend?” Richie whispered.