Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance Page 3
She looked back to him and shook her head. She felt his fingers swirl around her clit then dip inside her and she let out a soft moan.
“Simone?” The man started walking down the hall.
“Are you all right, Simone?” Richie whispered as his lips curled up.
She nodded.
“Tell him.” He pinched her clit and she buckled again.
She turned her head. “Ahh, I’m fine, Brent… I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Brent said as he nodded.
She panicked when he continued to walk toward them and moved her lower body to try to shake Richie’s fingers off her, but stopped fighting it when Brent paused in front of the men’s room and went inside.
Richie and Simone looked back to each other and Richie brought his lips back down on hers and continued his assault with his fingers, until another guy in her party turned into the hallway. Richie broke the kiss, breathing heavy. “Damn.” He didn’t removed his hand but he stopped moving it. He and Simone watched as he walked to the men’s bathroom and entered it, smiling at them as he went in.
“That’s Rod Long. They’re gay. Probably getting it on,” she said as she moved her lower body, pulling his fingers in.
Richie was stunned. He couldn’t believe he was in a public hallway where people were coming and going, fingering this beautiful woman who was slowly becoming a hot mess from his ministration. He went back to kissing her as he brought her to completion, reveling in the feel of her humping his hand.
He broke the kiss as he removed his fingers. “Dirty little girl,” he said with a grin as he lifted his hand and sniffed his fingers. “Mmmm… I can fuck you right here… You won’t stop me.” He wore a confident grin. “I want to see your pussy,” he said as he put a hand against the wall by her head, the other, he began to lift her dress.
She straightened her dress, shaking off his hand as she pushed off the wall, and quickly ducked under his arm and began walking away. She paused and turned around and gave him a flirty laugh. “You’re a bit cocky.” She grinned and bit her lower lip and turned back around and continued on to the table.
Richie studied her fine looking ass as he took a moment to collect himself, to allow his dick to soften it was so damn hard.
He walked out to see Logan had joined in at the table full of porn stars and the dark-haired girl was on his lap. They were laughing and he noticed Logan’s eyes kept traveling to the woman’s ample cleavage. He laughed, shaking his head.
Well, that night Richie and Logan went back to their hotel alone, with Logan ribbing Richie about not hooking up with the porn chick. Richie had told him she was the same girl he saw in Aruba and he also told him about their encounter in the hallway of the strip club. Logan had no doubt it happened. He knew Richie. He was a smooth operator who always got his way with chicks. They clung all over him. Yeah, he being rich was probably a big part of it, but he knew how to work it.
Simone walked around the apartment tidying up the mess her roommate, a fellow porn star, Lolita Hemingway, left. She couldn’t stop thinking about her encounter with Richie Warren. When she first saw him while walking through the strip club he looked familiar. She immediately remembered seeing him at the lobby bar of a hotel in Aruba. She often thought about him, and his gorgeous GQ looks.
She walked into her bedroom and caught her reflection in the mirror on the back of her bedroom door when she closed it and pictured Richie fingering her. The thought alone gave her a warm sensation that shot from her core to her clit and she began touching herself. Picturing Richie’s soft, shiny chocolate brown hair that fell to his collar, the shadow of a beard, and those eyes, oh, she felt liquid on her fingers as she pictured him staring at her with those hungry sky-blue eyes, beautiful, hungry sky-blue eyes. She walked to the night table by her bed and pulled out her rabbit and lay down as she turned it on. It slid right into her, she was soaked. First she let it do the work, but then she pictured Richie fucking her as she got more aroused and she moved the device in and out of her so fast, like a jack hammer, like she knew Richie could probably do. At least she’d liked to think so.
Chapter 4
“Cut,” Lou, the portly, greasy haired director said with a half smoked unlit cigar hanging from his mouth, and Simone practically threw her onscreen lover off of her.
“Easy, baby,” Paul Flemming, that partner, said.
“I told you, no tongue,” she said as she shot up and reached for her white robe. Tying it she said, “If you ram your tongue down my throat again, I’ll bite it off.” She walked away.
“But you liked it when I rammed my cock down it, didn’t ya?” He threw his head back and laughed.
She whipped around and shot him daggers, then huffed off the set.
“Hey, kid you talk to one of my girls like that again, I’ll throw you outta here. Got it?” Lou said. He might have looked slimy but he protected his girls and was known to throw unprofessionals out of a shoot.
As Simone made her way down a hallway to a shared dressing room in the old rundown warehouse in a seedy section of L.A., Poppy had called her from his office at the end of the hall.
“Pick up line two, sweetheart.”
Simone tilted her head. “Me?” She was shocked. She never got a phone call while at work before, and she’d never given the phone number out.
“Yeah. Line two.”
“Okay, thanks, Poppy.” She felt his eyes on her as she walked to another unoccupied room with a phone for privacy. “Hello?” She said cautiously.
“It’s Richie Warren. We met last weekend at Lola’s Den. Do you remember?”
Did she remember? Hell, yes, she remembered. She let out a little laugh. “Of course. Hi.”
After a moment of awkward silence Richie said, “So listen, I’m in town on business through the weekend and was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight.”
“Oh,” She was stunned. “Mind if I ask how you found me.”
Richie chuckled. “Not at all. A mutual friend.” When she didn’t respond he continued. “I’m friends with Craig, the manager of Lola’s. He’s friends with Poppy Tate.”
“And you asked about me?”
“Yeah, I’d love to see you again.” After a little pause he added, “Say yes and I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
“Anywhere?” She threw off a flirtatious laugh.
“Anywhere. Just say yes.” A sensation coursed through him and ended at the tip of his cock at hearing her little laugh.
“Okay.” She knew she should be cautious, but she really did want to see him again.
“Great! Where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere would mean that little Italian restaurant by the beach I’ve been dying to try. It has a wonderful view of the Pacific. But it being hard to get into on such short notice, we could go—”
“Bella Donna’s. I know the place. Okay.”
“Ha! Really? You’ll need reservations at least a month in advance.”
“Two. And where shall I pick you up?”
Simone didn’t answer quickly. She didn’t really know him and didn’t feel comfortable giving him her address.
He picked up on her uneasiness. “Would you feel better if we met there?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Not at all. How will you get there?”
“I’ll probably call a cab.”
“Call Elegante Limousine service and give them my account number.” He rattled off a short number.
“Thank you.”
Chapter 5
Richie was in front of Bella Donna’s, a few inches away from the building, with his hands in his pockets, absently watching the cars and people go by as he actually questioned his attire. Blue blazer, gray slacks, and a white long sleeve button-down was rounded out by a pair of burgundy loafers. Oh, man, was he really questioning his clothing hoping Simone liked it? What w
as he, sixteen? He even had to adjust his boner he always seemed to get when thinking about her. He just hoped she didn’t pull up while he did.
He watched as a black town car pulled up to the curb and waited to see if she was in the back. When the door opened he spotted her and went over to the car and offered a hand. She took it and he gently pulled her out of the car. Then he lowered his head and nodded to the driver before shutting the door.
“I gotta find another car service. I called them and told them to send you a limo,” Riche said once they were on the sidewalk.
“Oh, this was fine, thank you.”
He dipped his head once and smiled. “You look beautiful.”
She wore a white body-hugging tank top and a long white gypsy skirt with white ribbons. Her feet were encased in jewel strapped flat sandals. Large diamond-cut hoop earrings sparkled when the gentle breeze picked up her long wavy hair.
“Thank you. So do you.”
He nodded. “Thank you. Shall we go in?”
“Did you really get reservations?”
He just smiled as he opened the door for her and soft piano music filled the air.
Even before they got to the hostess desk, a host came up to them. “Mr. Warren, it’s a pleasure to see you. How have you been?”
“Fine, Jonathan. How bout you?”
“Good, thank you.” The host smiled at Simone than brought his gaze back to Richie. “Right this way. Your table is waiting,” he said as he pulled two menus from the top of the desk.
Richie looked to Simone whose mouth remained opened, and raised the corners of his mouth as he placed a hand at the small of her back and ushered her toward the host. They walked past many tables, all occupied, and they passed the source of the piano music. A black baby grand piano sat near a wall in the middle of the room. The pianist dressed in a tuxedo nodded and smiled at them when they passed.
Not only did they get seating with short notice, they got prime seating out on the Amalfi Coast inspired balcony overlooking the beautiful blue Pacific.
The host asked Richie if he would like his usual drink. Richie nodded and then the host asked Simone what she would like. Simone looked from the ocean to the host and ordered.
Simone inhaled. “Mmmm, smell that salt air,” she said when she turned her attention to Richie. She had a big grin on her face.
He nodded as a smile formed on his lips. “So how’ve you been?” he asked as a waiter came over with their drinks and set his scotch and her Paloma down in front of them and strode off.
She nodded. “Good. And you?”
“Good.” He picked up his drink and held it out. “To feeling good.” His grin reached his eyes.
Simone clinked glasses with his and the two of them sipped their drinks.
While they began their meal with appetizers Richie told Simone a little about himself; where he grew up, and what he wanted to do there.
“A cowboy, huh? You could have anything in the world and you want to be a cowboy?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he drawled in his Texan accent.
“Do you come to L.A. oft—”
“Rich! How are you?”
Richie turned his head to see an old friend. Not surprising. He knew so many people who ate at this restaurant. He stuck his hand out and spoke briefly with the guy and after realizing he wasn’t going to introduce her, Simone gazed out at the ocean. She turned her attention back to Richie when the guy left.
“I’m sorry. You were saying?” he asked.
“I was just asking how often you come out here if you live in Texas.”
“A few times a year, but I suspect it will be more times now.” He dipped his head and smiled.
“My parents own a home in Newport Beach,” he said as the busboy cleared their dishes. Right behind him was their waiter with their meals.
Richie’s steak was still sizzling and the aroma, with a hint of butter, wafted up to their noses.
“That smells amazing,” Simone said as the waiter set down her dish with four large sea scallops drizzled with a champagne butter sauce. The vegetable in the dish was string beans.
“It is. They know how to make a steak.” Richie finished cutting the tenderest piece of the steak and brought his fork up to her mouth and watched as she opened it, taking the steak.
Oh, shit. Watching her chew gave him a narb. He shifted in his seat.
“Mmmm, it’s so tender,” she said after she swallowed. She smiled at him as she slowly shook her head, knowing what he was thinking.
He let out a sigh and took a bite of his steak.
“Hi, Richie.”
Both Richie and Simone looked up at the source of the soft, sexy feminine voice, and Richie rose up and kissed a woman on the cheek while Simone assessed her. She was pretty with long, straight as a pin, brown hair that she kept tossing around, eyes dramatically made up to bring out the green in them. Her clothes screamed expensive designer, and her Rolex had a diamond bezel on it.
Again, Richie didn’t introduce Simone, but Simone heard him call her Taylor. She was getting uncomfortable. She picked up her drink and downed it as she stared out at the view of the ocean, only this time she really didn’t notice it. She was thinking of a hasty retreat. In fact, she didn’t even hear the lady leave and Richie sit back down.
“Would you like another bite?” Richie held out his fork with another piece of steak on it.
She looked to him. “No, thank you.”
Richie saw the change in her demeanor. Gone was her dazzling smile and sparkling eyes he had seen since the moment he saw her in the car. Taking its place was a more subdued look, lips flat lined and eyes darting all around.
‘You, okay?”
“Yeah. I’m good.” She picked her fork up and cast her eyes down to her plate as she moved the food around.
“So, tell me about yourself,” Richie said, trying to get their conversation on track.
“What do you want to know? How I got into porn?” She looked up to him, challenging him.
“Hey, hey, now,” he began softly. “I’m sorry for the interruptions. That’s why I never come here anymore.”
“So why did you agree?”
“Because you wanted to come here and I told you if you agreed to have dinner with me I’d take you anywhere you wanted to go.”
She slowly nodded. “I did.” She let out a breath. “I’m sorry. So, yeah… Um… How I got into porn, right?”
Richie smiled at seeing her relax. “We’ll get to that. I want to know you. Where did you grow up? Your accent tells me it’s somewhere in the northeast, right?”
She nodded. “Right. New Jersey.”
“What exit?” he quickly said with an amused look on his face.
She laughed. “Ah, you know that one?”
He nodded as he let out a short loud laugh, feeling good about himself for getting her to laugh. She looked even more beautiful when her face lit up.
“I’m from Marlboro. Left home for L.A. after I graduated High School.”
“The old, I’m going to be a star thing or something?”
Now she let out a short laugh. “Or something. My parents divorced when I was twelve and when my mom remarried I became… uh… forgotten.” She shrugged.
“Only child too?” he asked
“You’re an only child?”
He nodded.
“No, I have an older brother. He opted to live with my father after the split. He’s married now to my best friend and lives in Florida with their two kids.”
They paused their conversation when the bus boy came to clear the table. Again, right behind him was the waiter and he handed them dessert menus.
“How was your meal, Mr. Warren?”
“Delicious. Thank you.”
“And the lady?” The waiter swung his head to Simone.
She nodded. “Yes, mine was delicious too. Thank you.”
After trying to coax her into a dessert, which she refused, he ordered two coffees. And during coffee when she
explained she had moved out here because her father lived here, the chef who owned the restaurant came over.
“Mr. Warren, “It’s wonderful to see you again.”
“You too, Mario,” Richie said as he shook Mario’s outstretched hand.
“I hope everything was to your liking?”
“Indeed, both the lady and I enjoyed our meals. The steak was cooked just the way I like it, thank you.”
Mario nodded. “It was my pleasure. We do hope to see you again. I’ve instructed the waiter to bring you two glasses of your favorite cognac, on the house. Enjoy and have a wonderful evening.”
“Thank you.”
As they walked through the restaurant on their way outside, Richie held Simone’s hand. He loved how soft it was and the way it fit in his. And as soon as he walked her through the front door, he pulled her over to the side of the door and with his free hand, caressed her face as he kissed her lips. Soft, so soft, he thought.
Chapter 6
Richie helped Simone out of his black Maserati. That Gran Turismo MC was his baby when he was in town. He watched as she scanned the expansive underground garage.
“Is that a Ferrari?” she asked, pointing to the sleek red sports car parked in one of the eight or nine parking spots.
“Those are beautiful cars.”
“That’s not a car. That’s a driving machine.” He grunted and smiled as he pushed her against the car they had gotten out of and wrapped his hands around her waist. She threw her arms around his neck as she giggled.
He swiped his tongue along the seam of her lips and she opened up, taking his tongue, meeting it with her own, and he pushed his body into her, letting her feel just how turned on he was. He was so turned on it started to hurt. He couldn’t wait to have her under him, and the way she responded to his kiss and touch, he knew she was just as turned on.
Before ending the kiss, he gently bit her lower lip and sucked on it. “Mmmm, you are one sexy woman, Simone.”
She just stared at him, too breathless to speak.
“Come on, let’s go on up and catch the last of the sunset. He took her hand and led her to the stairs.