Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance Read online

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  “I can’t imagine anyone not being able to get it up for you.”

  She smiled.

  ”What else?”

  She had settled into the crook of his arm, but she picked up her head. “You’re really into this, huh?”

  His eyebrows lifted and she shook her head, laughing. “Okay, in the beginning of the week I had to blow a guy, and as soon as I put my lips around his cock, he went off. Let’s just say I wasn’t pleased. I don’t swallow.” She shook her head. “I spit it out on him. He kept apologizing. Then when he fucked me, he rammed his tongue down my throat. I couldn’t take it. I threw him off of me. Well, the director was not too happy. We had a screaming match. They need to pay me more if I have to French kiss or swallow splooge.”

  “See, that’s more like it. A man can come just by your touch, and you swallowed last night and before without a problem.”

  “This was pleasure.” She rose up and walked to the bathroom.

  He threw his hands behind his head, elbows out, and watched her naked body walk to and from the bathroom, totally checking her out. “So, what’s your real name?”

  She was smiling as she was walking back to him, but her smile faded. She shook her head. “I need to keep my professional life separate from my personal life.”

  “I thought I was a part of your personal life.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m sorry, Richie. I don’t feel comfortable, okay?”

  He nodded. “Okay. You have spectacular tits. Any man would want to slobber all over them. I even want to fuck them,” he said to her as she slipped back into bed.

  Her lips curled up. “Richie, you are so freaking candid.”

  He grinned.

  “I actually have an appointment to go under the knife and make them bigger, next month,” she said.

  “No, no, no. Why would you want to do that?” he said as he raised his upper body and twisted to her.

  “Bigger is in demand. The sooner I can make some money, the sooner I can get out of this business altogether.”

  “Oh, honey, don’t do it. They look and feel horrible.” He rose up out of bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  He walked to his closet and Simone heard him rummaging around. He came back out with a little box with DVDs in it. He grinned. “My porn stash.”

  She let out a short snicker and got up on both knees as he sat down, and the two of them delved through theDVDs.

  “You have quite a variety,” she said to him after perusing the titles.

  “What could I say, I love it all.” He found the DVD he was looking for and rose up, grabbing the clicker from the night table. As he turned on the TV, he popped the DVD in the player sitting on top of the cable box, throwing her a naughty look every once in a while as he fast-forwarded to the spot he was looking for. “There. Do you see Lilah Welch’s tits?”

  On the screen was a blonde bombshell playing with her gigantic breasts, pushing them up and bringing her head down to lick her nipples while smiling at the camera.

  “Yes,” she answered as she nodded. “But those are too big. I only want to—”

  “No, no, not the size, and yeah I agree, too big. She’s a forty triple F, if I remember correctly.”

  “She shook her head laughing. “You’re killing me.”

  He grinned at her then turned his attention to the picture he froze on screen and pointed to the wrinkly skin all around the woman’s breasts and looked back to her. “You can run the risk of getting this. It’s not appealing at all.”

  “That usually happens with saline implants because they are the most flexible. I’m going for the gummy bear implants.”

  “Those don’t feel as soft and…uh…cushiony as the real deal. Believe me, I’ve felt many of them.” He paused. “None of them feel like yours.” He walked back to her and sat down as he brought his hands up to her breasts and gently caressed them. He let out a moan. “They’re perfect.” Then he bent his head and laved one of her nipples then the other.

  She threw her hands on his head and sighed.

  When he picked his head up he gazed into her eyes. “Don’t do it,” he whispered his plea.

  “Not all of them are bad. Some look so real.”

  “But after a while, they begin to breakdown.”

  She bit her lip. “I’ll think about it, okay?”

  He nodded. “I can show you more. In fact, pick a DVD, any DVD, and I’ll find a chick with fake boobs with the wrinkly outline.

  They spent the next half hour analyzing women’s boobs, laughing at their own silly jokes. Then he shut the TV and climbed in bed and sat her down on his hard cock.

  Chapter 8

  After dropping Simone off at her apartment complex later that morning, Richie went straight to the airport to head back to Texas. He had a wonderful time with her and they exchanged cell numbers and he told her he’d like to see her again. Nothing but a good time she agreed to, after all, she was a porn star so nothing more could come out of it. He didn’t tell her the last part, but he was sure she knew. Just a good time together once in a while.

  “Oh, man, Logan, she was hot. I had a great time with her. The sex was amazing. We had a lot of laughs, and she knows how to do things, man.” Richie drawled out the last word as he nodded his head. “Yeah I can’t wait to see her again.”

  Logan was sitting at his kitchen table buffing saddle soap out of a pair of boots. Richie had popped over his house and walked right in. It had become a habit ever since Logan split with Linda. Logan wouldn’t answer the door, just sit and wallow, so Richie would walk in the side door which Logan never locked. And he figured if Logan didn’t want him to, he would have found that door locked by now.

  Logan looked up to Richie who was leaning against the kitchen sink, drinking a cup of coffee. “Richie, you the man.” He chuckled. “Work your magic and see if you can get me a date with the Pertina chick.”


  “The dark-haired chick who was sitting on my lap at the strip club.” He put the rag down and picked up a brush, and dipped it in the bowl of soapy water he had in front of him and began brushing the crack of the boot where it meets the sole to get out the excess cleaner.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Pertina or something, I think.”

  “Bethany, maybe?”

  “Yeah, Bethany, that’s it.”

  “Pertina.” Richie chuckled as he shook his head. “We watched one of her movies the other day. She is a cutie.”

  Logan nodded. “Oh, speaking of threesomes.” He chuckled.

  Richie snickered.

  “Carmen called me before, she’s looking to hook-up tonight.”


  “Carmen, the chick from the Salty Dog.”

  “Oh, oh, yeah, right. How come these chicks don’t have last names?”

  “What’s Simone’s last name?”

  “I don’t know. She wouldn’t tell me.”

  “Maybe her name isn’t even Simone?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it’s not.”

  Logan pushed his chair out from the table and rose up with the bowl and brush, and walked over to the sink, Richie moved over.

  “So anyway,” Logan said, wanting to change the conversation. “Wanna go to the Skull for a couple of burgers for dinner? Jay’s been asking to see my bike.” It was a beauty. Richie helped him pick it out.

  The Skull was short for Satan’s Skull, a little haunted dive nearby that only served burgers and beer.

  “Yeah, I’m in. What time?”

  “I gotta run over and see Heath first, then I’ll meet you at your place around seven?”


  “Good, then we’ll hook up with Carmen.”

  Richie shrugged.


  “Simone!” her roommate said, raising her voice because for the third time Simone ignored her.

  “What?” Simone jumped, as she picked her head up from looking at her cell phone and removed an earbud. She had been staring at Richie�
�s number while listening to a Linkin Park song.

  Lolita huffed out a breath. “What is wrong with you lately?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t hear you. I had the music loud.”

  Lolita shook her head. “Can you please make yourself scarce tonight? I got a couple of guys coming over.” Her frown turned into a devilish smile. “I told them I’ll be able to get them a part in a movie, and they want me to teach them how to act.” She winked.

  Simone clicked the roof of her mouth. “You can’t get them a part.”

  “How do you know?”

  Simone just looked at her.

  Lolita laughed. “Maybe I can’t, but they don’t know that. Now if you want to join us you’re welcomed to, but if not, can you please go out?”

  “Fine, I’ll go out.” She rose up and went to her room without saying anything else, she wanted to shower and get the hell out of there before Lolita Hemingway, a.k.a., Vivian Johnson, Simone rolled her eyes, began her little soiree. She was always pulling shit like that. She’d bring the creepiest guys up to their apartment and have sex all over the place. Well, except for Simone’s room, she made sure she had a working lock on it.

  One time she had come home and caught some guy beating on Lolita. She jumped on his back and he flung her off and she crashed into the wall taking a ceramic lamp with her. Her back was all cut up. The guy turned around from beating on Lolita and quickly walked over to Simone and started ripping at her clothes while slapping her in the face and pulling her hair. Boy was she grateful Lolita clocked him with a nine iron she kept in her bedroom for protection.

  While the guy was out cold, the girls dragged him out of the house and flung his clothes out after him and they watched through the window as he came to and freaked out when he saw a crowd gather around his naked ass.

  Don’t get her wrong, Simone was grateful that Lolita had taken her in when she had no place else to live. Simone gave her rent and split the expenses with her, and most times she was a good friend, but Lolita was a nympho, never getting enough at work. Simone couldn’t wait to move out. She had put a bid in for a condo not too far from the studio the day before. She was just waiting to hear back from her realtor.

  With nowhere in particular to go, Simone pulled out of the carport on the side of the apartment and found herself heading toward Newport Beach. The sun had already set so she didn’t want to get out of the car and walk the beach which was her first intention. She opted instead to drive around the neighborhood, passing beautiful homes along the way. Her sense of direction was impeccable and she found herself parking across the street from the house she was in the weekend before. It was illuminated beautifully with landscape lighting but it looked like no one was home.

  Sitting in the idling car, she relived her time in that house. Yes, it was a beautiful large, finely decorated house and she remembered most details. The room she slept in was large and done up in masculine tones with a cohesive large bathroom, and Richie told her that wasn’t even the master bedroom suite. She felt a sensation shoot out from her core and spread as she thought back to when she and Richie first got it on in the backyard. She let out a sigh when she pictured them in his bed holding each other and just talking. She even laughed to herself when she recalled them going over his porn collection.

  On another heavy sigh, she pictured Richie. His soft, shiny hair, dark brown with sable highlights when the sun hit it just right, his eyes, blue crystals, pale and luminous, a complimented contrast, and a shadow of a beard with a strong square jaw were the features a woman only really read about. And he even had the physique of a book boyfriend.

  Absently digging in her bag after vaguely hearing her phone ring, she pulled it up and took a quick look. The caller ID knocked her right out of her thoughts. She whipped her head around and scanned the vicinity before she answered.

  “Hi.” Her voice was a pitch higher than normal and barely audible.

  “Hi.” Richie’s deep, sexy bedroom voice came over the phone. “How are you?”


  “Yeah? That’s good… What are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” She quickly said, “I’m… I just pulled into my parking spot at home.” She couldn’t tell him she was in front of his house.

  “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “I’ve been thinking of you also.”

  “I hope in a good way.”

  “Yes, in a good way. She chuckled.”

  There was a little pause while Richie absorbed her sexy laugh. “So, I wanted to call you to ask you if you remembered to call your surgeon and cancel your surgery.”

  “I did. Thanks. I’m glad you talked me out of it. I don’t want to end up looking like all those women.”

  “Oh, good to hear. Good to know that your breasts will look just as spectacular when I see you again.”

  A tingle shot through her. He wanted to see her again. She didn’t know what to say.

  “So, uh, I had a great time with you the other night,” he said, filling the void.

  “Me too.”

  “Yeah? You’re still laughing at me and my porn collection, aren’t you?”

  She detected a little laugher from him and smiled. “That was funny.”

  “Yeah. So, uh, my buddy just pulled up. We’re going to grab a bite to eat, but I also just wanted to ask you if you were free next weekend, you know, to hang out.”

  The smile on her face was so wide her white teeth could have been used to light one’s way in the dark. “I’d like that.”

  “Good. I’ll be out on Friday. I’ll call you when I get there to make some plans, okay?”


  “Great. I gotta go. Talk to you then.”

  “Bye,” she said then hit the end key. She blew out a breath, relieved he was nowhere near there. She ass-teared out of the neighborhood. It was still too early to go home. She wished she had brought her laptop with her, she could have gone to an all-night coffee shop and worked on her other job. With nowhere else to go, she went to the production studio, the old warehouse, to watch some shoots that were going down that night. Had she known Danny Douglas was shooting, she would not have bothered. She hadn’t had a scene with him yet, they worked on different films, and prayed she never would. He was always hitting on her. He’d strut around naked like a proud cock after a scene he’d just finished, swinging his dick, it was humongous. Most of the girls were afraid of it and him and she was no different. He was such a degenerate. Once when she tried to ignore him, she glanced his way and he started stroking his cock and licking his lips while looking at her. Every time they’d pass each other in the hallway or out in the parking lot he would always say something crude to her. A couple of times he was there when she was filming, just watching her. It unnerved her.

  When she embarked on this career path she didn’t realize the amount of sexual harassment, crude comments, and the downright sleazy aura that ran rampant in this community. There were some good decent people too, and when she received her signing bonus and subsequent checks she talked herself into it, choosing to only associate with those good decent people but mostly she opted to be a loner.

  Chapter 9

  “I thought I was gonna come when Anna Maria went down on you,” Richie whispered by her ear. He brought his hand under her short body-hugging dress and caressed her mound, feeling her dampness on her little thong. “Mmmm.”

  Simone responded by spreading her legs a little more, as much as her leopard print dress would allow. She took a sip of her vodka and tonic, and grinned. “I think the steaks need to be flipped.”

  “I think you need to be flipped over this table,” he said, applying pressure to her clit.

  She sucked in air and licked her lips.

  Richie let out a little laugh as he strode over to the grill, opened the lid, and flipped. The aroma of the finest cut of beef with a hint of the butter Richie had brushed on, rising with the smoke was mouth-watering.

  “That smells amazing, Richie.”<
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  “Almost as good as you,” he said to her.

  She got up and walked over to the backyard kitchen that rivaled any indoor kitchen except for the one in this house and retrieved a couple of plates and utensils. She set up a couple of place settings, then made herself and him another drink. They had just come from Velocity Studios where Simone invited him in to watch her film a scene with the voluptuous Italian bombshell, Anna Maria, the newest starlet under contract, and Peter Peck.

  The scene had called for Anna Maria to go down on Simone while Anna Maria was getting hammered from behind. If Simone was the one who was to get hammered, she never would have invited him to watch. She’d have been embarrassed, but couldn’t explain why. The director was so pleased with Simone’s performance he boasted about how convincing she was when she came.

  Richie plated the steaks in a gold rimmed serving dish and walked over to the table and sat down, taking a sip of his new drink while Simone placed a big helping of the salad she had prepared into their dishes.

  “Thanks for allowing me to see some filming. It was very interesting… and very hot. I have to agree with your director, you were very convincing. Did you really come?”

  She sat back down. “Women don’t do it for me… But, uh, whenever I was looking at you, I pictured you going down on me.” She winked. “So yeah, I came.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Oooohh.” He waggled his eyes as he chuckled. “You gotta love your job, huh?” he asked as he put a filet mignon on her plate next to her salad.

  She laughed. “It’s a job. Thank you.”

  He took the other steak and put it in his plate, then picked up his drink. “Bon Appetite.”

  They clinked glasses and sipped. Wiping his mouth with his napkin, after setting his drink down, he picked up his knife and fork. “So tell me how you got into the business.”

  Simone had just placed a piece of steak in her mouth. When she finished chewing and wiped her mouth she let out a short snort. “It wasn’t like I aspired to be a porn star.”